Final Word

In this practical handbook, I shared with you some of the working principles I use in my theatre practice both as a director and a teacher. I selected seven shows to give you some insight into various aspects of the involvement of untrained performers in theatrical work. I decided to present the process of preparing my most recent show Those Who Speak for Themselves as a case study of the methodological procedures described here. 

This handbook is intended to be a humble companion for your journey in social-specific theatre, rather than a sophisticated educational guide. Thanks to its online nature, it gives me the possibility to add more ideas and discoveries as they emerge in my future work. I would be grateful if you share your comments and remarks with me. You can e-mail at or leave a comment below.

When working in social-specific theatre always:

  • Remember the importance of extreme listening
  • Have an ongoing awareness of space (and any element related to it) 
  • Collect feedback from all participants
  • Embrace the obstacle
  • Keep changing the perspective
  • Trust that something always happens
  • Enjoy every moment of the creative process
  • Have fun!

At this point I would like to quote a young student of sculpture performing in Those Who Speak for Themselves: “The work on this show reminds me of sculpting. Just like when you use stone or clay, nothing happens out of the blue. Everything is evolving from something that’s already there.”

I wish you great pleasure in your work with all kinds of amazing collaborators! 

Jana Svobodová

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